Routine Appointments
Appointments can be made over the phone by calling 01424 720574 from 8:30am.
- As requested by Dr. Lewis, the reception team will triage your call first so you will be asked the reason you are contacting the practice, this will enable them to direct you to the most appropriate clinician. To aid the clinician you may be asked (if appropriate) to supply pictures which may be kept on your records.
- We operate a triage list each day, which your name will be added to. A clinician will look at this list throughout the day and inform the reception staff what they advise patients to do or if an appointment is needed, you could be contacted anytime during the surgery opening hours not necessarily by a clinician as to your next step.
- We try to make sure you see the clinician of your choice but if they are not available we may ask you to see another clinician.
Requesting an appointment online
We do have some appointments that are bookable online. When this service is available you may be able to use our online appointment booking service, this is done via
- Contact us online using AccuRx – Our response time is 3 working days.
- The NHS App
- The Patient Access App. www.Patient access
Urgent Appointments
- The best way to contact us for an urgent appointment is by phone 01424 720 574. If Dr thinks your request is urgent she will make an appointment for the same day.
If you do need to cancel or change your appointment we ask you to let us know ASAP, via telephone, AccuRx or the cancellation link sent with your appointment reminder (if received) so we can release your appointment to other patients.
Appointment rules
- Only one patient can be seen per appointment time.
- One problem is discussed at the appointment
- Appointments can vary in times, usually 10 minutes for Dr appointments or could be up to 50 mins for a nurse’s appointment.
Home visits
Most people think that Doctors are obliged to make house calls as part of their NHS Contract. Such an obligation has never been part of the General Practitioner’s contract but a habit that people have come to expect as their right.
The Contract states that in the case of an emergency, the Doctor can either advise or offer a consultation, but it is up to the Doctor to decide where the consultation will take place. If you are ill or unable to attend the surgery and require a home visit, please telephone 01424 720574 before 10.00am if possible.
Please remember, the Doctor can see up to four patients at the surgery in the time it takes to make one house call. Patients can also be examined more thoroughly in the surgery environment and children can often be wrapped up and brought to surgery.