Surgery Line:
01424 720574 or 01424 435004

Open 8:30am – 1pm & 2pm – 5.30pm option 1

Our Team


All patients registered at registered at the Surgery have a named, accountable doctor who is responsible for coordinating their care. Your named doctor will be allocated to you by the practice, usually when you join. You can still talk to or make appointments to see any of our doctors or nurses, not just your named GP. We are not a teaching practice.

Dr. H. Lewis

M.B., BCh, Qualified 1992


One of our permanent Doctors who shares responsibility at the practice for looking after our patients welfare.

Dr B. Kolawole



One of our permanent Doctors who shares responsibility at the practice for looking after our patients welfare.



The surgery sometimes has the support of the following locums Dr K Stocks or Dr Rathneesh

Advanced practitioners

Mikhala Brindley

Advanced Practitioner

Shares responsibility with the Doctors for looking after our Patients welfare.

Practice nurses

Responsible for Smears, Pill checks, Baby immunisations, Spirometry, blood tests, BP, ECG’s. injections, dressings & helping patients manage long term health conditions. They also manage our extended hours appointments.

Practice Nurse

Practice Nurse

Helen Fryer

Health Care Assistants

Responsible for blood tests, BP, ECG's. injections, dressings & helping patients manage long term health conditions. They also manage our extended hours appointments.

Health Care Assistant

Health Care Assistant

Wendy Wood

Additional healthcare staff



We have a physiotherapist from the Primary Care Network at our surgery every Monday. If you want to book a face to face appointment with them please call the surgery. … [continue] Physiotherapist

District Nurse

We have a district nursing team attached to the surgery. They are available for the nursing care of patients who are housebound.

Community Midwife

They are available for your welfare during pregnancy and immediately after birth. You can find more information or contact the Midwifery Team at the Conquest hospital on 757034 or book … [continue] Community Midwife

Counselling Services

Various counselling services can be accessed by patients by self referral.

Practice manager

Mrs Liz Joyce

Practice Manager

Our Practice Managers job is to ensure the smooth running of the surgery, she also leads a dedicated team of reception staff. She is the first point of contact if … [continue] Mrs Liz Joyce



We have a team of receptionists who deal with Answering the phones Triaging patients prescriptions Process incoming documents, Registration of new patients Subject access rights Patient deductions General office duties.